
Is the movie Pirates of the Caribbean inspired by historical facts about pirates?

The Pirates of the Caribbean films greatly popularized pirates of the 17th and 18th centuries. They are indeed inspired by real historical facts about pirates of that era, even if there are also inaccuracies, which is normal because it is a fiction, not a documentary. (Who were the real Pirates of the Caribbean?) Why the Caribbean? As seen …

Is the movie Pirates of the Caribbean inspired by historical facts about pirates? Read More »

Why didn’t Steven Spielberg direct ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’?

The story of Pirates of the Caribbean is twisted. It begins in the early 90s. Steven Spielberg receives a script written by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio. It is inspired by the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction at Disneyland. Spielberg is excited by the idea and wants to make the film. He suggests that the role of Jack Sparrow be played …

Why didn’t Steven Spielberg direct ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’? Read More »

Why did Disney executives hate the way Johnny Depp played Jack Sparrow in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’?

Because Disney is a company that sells entertainment to families and they are particularly careful not to offend the sensitivities of children and parents. Therefore, they tend to smooth their products well so that nothing sticks out. Rough edges are not welcome in the world of Disney. After seeing the first rushes of “Pirates of the …

Why did Disney executives hate the way Johnny Depp played Jack Sparrow in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’? Read More »

Is it true that Johnny Depp tricked Disney into imposing the look of Jack Sparrow?

Johnny Depp was very involved in the creation of the character of Jack Sparrow, even creating his look. In particular, he wanted his pirate to have very visible gold teeth. But he anticipated problems with Disney officials, who are notoriously cautious when it comes to taking risks with the public’s sensitivity. A lousy pirate with gold teeth …

Is it true that Johnny Depp tricked Disney into imposing the look of Jack Sparrow? Read More »

What’s the funniest story you heard during Johnny Depp’s trial against Amber Heard?

When Starling Jenkins, one of Johnny Depp’s bodyguards and driver, was called to testify during the trial, he recounted an anecdote that took place on April 22, 2016. He says he arrived in the morning at the star’s penthouse , his apartment in Los Angeles, and was informed by his partner Amber Heard that she had argued …

What’s the funniest story you heard during Johnny Depp’s trial against Amber Heard? Read More »

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