Is there an actor or actress who uses the same prop, or costume, all the time (or almost all the time) across their different roles?

There is indeed the case of the excellent Tom Hardy

[ 1 ], who has played with a mask on his face several times (I would like to say “often” but that is far from true, although it has happened in several of his best-known films).

All this may have started with Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises (2012), where he played the role of Bane, Batman’s enemy, who constantly wears a mask giving him painkiller gas (which allows him to endure the consequences of an old accident, and of living… that’s his weak point).

It’s more precisely with a sort of muzzle that we will find him in Mad Max: Fury Road by George Miller (2015), it’s quite amusing. Well, it’s only in part of the film, but it’s very striking.

He reunited with Nolan in 2017 for the grandiose Dunkirk , where he played the role of a Royal Air Force pilot, who practically never takes off his mask.

Nolan gave a funny explanation

[ 2 ]:

I was quite pleased with what he did in The Dark Knight Rises with two eyes, some eyebrows and a bit of forehead. So I said to myself, “Let’s see what he can do without a forehead, without real eyebrows, maybe with just one eye.”

Of course Tom, being Tom, what he does with one eye is far beyond what anyone else can do with their entire body, it’s just the man’s unique talent, he is extraordinary.

And, it’s hard not to want to draw a parallel, in Venom in 2018 (which is not his most interesting film), he plays the role of a man infected by an extra-terrestrial organism, which takes the form of a sort of full face mask…

Fortunately he has been able to move on since then…

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