Author name: rakib

When there are several actors pictured on a movie poster, why aren’t the names above the corresponding photo?

This is explained by the fact that there are two different logics that clash when creating a film poster. The short version is that the names are listed from left to right in order of importance, while the photo of the most important actor is preferably placed in the center. We understand that with this logic, …

When there are several actors pictured on a movie poster, why aren’t the names above the corresponding photo? Read More »

How did they get Superman to fly in the first 1978 film?

Director Richard Donner knew that the film would only work if it could make Christopher Reeve fly believably. He therefore asked his team to invent a new method to accomplish this challenge, because nothing that existed until then could be suitable. The person who found the solution to the problem is Zoran Perisic. This specialist …

How did they get Superman to fly in the first 1978 film? Read More »

What three unrelated films can form an unofficial trilogy?

The life of spies Impossible mission Let’s start with secret agents who work together to fight against the most affected madmen. In Mission Impossible (let’s just take one part, for example the 3rd part, forget the others, yes I know I’m cheating a little šŸ˜„), they use their physical and mental abilities, as well as all kinds …

What three unrelated films can form an unofficial trilogy? Read More »

Is there an actor or actress who uses the same prop, or costume, all the time (or almost all the time) across their different roles?

There is indeed the case of the excellent Tom Hardy [ 1 ], who has played with a mask on his face several times (I would like to say “often” but that is far from true, although it has happened in several of his best-known films). All this may have started with Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises (2012), where he played …

Is there an actor or actress who uses the same prop, or costume, all the time (or almost all the time) across their different roles? Read More »

Is it true that Michael Biehn was paid more for not appearing in “Alien 3” than he was paid to star in “Aliens”?

Urban legend has it that Michael Biehn, who plays the role of Hicks in James Cameron’s Aliens , was actually paid more not to appear in the sequel to the film. However, this is not accurate. When David Fincher began working on Alien 3 , Michael Biehn found out he wasn’t going to be part of the cast. And …

Is it true that Michael Biehn was paid more for not appearing in “Alien 3” than he was paid to star in “Aliens”? Read More »

What movie scenes have been reshot many times because the director asked his actors to do something impossible?

The cafeteria scene inĀ Sam Raimi’s firstĀ Spider-Man. Peter Parker guesses that Mary Jane is going to slip on a puddle on the ground and catches her before she falls, while managing to receive her tray and her meal without dropping anything on the floor. Who could imagine that this scene has been reshot 156 times! An …

What movie scenes have been reshot many times because the director asked his actors to do something impossible? Read More »

What clever filming tricks were used to make scenes more realistic?

In the film ” Apocalypse Now,” Francis Ford Coppola asked his production designer to add as much realism as possible to give a sense of slaughter, during the scene of Captain William’s first encounter with Colonel Kurtz’s colony. . Bad luck, the police suddenly showed up at the start of filming, because locals had sold …

What clever filming tricks were used to make scenes more realistic? Read More »

Has it ever happened that an actor became famous for something he did by chance?

Clint Eastwood and his intense gazeā€¦ A look inseparable from the actor. Everyone knows the actor’s narrowed gaze. We find it in all his films. This look, however, is not the creation of an actor, a work of composition based on the study of a character… It is due to the sun in southern Spain, where …

Has it ever happened that an actor became famous for something he did by chance? Read More »

In cinema, what are the best 100% truthful scenes that made the viewer believe that they were shot in computer-generated images?

Seeing this scene in ” Mission: Impossible: Fallout ” made me think, ” Wow, the digitally redone water is well integrated, it looks like the director, Christopher McQuarrie, really tried to drown Sean Harris. “ And yet it is not a digital effect, the actor, playing Lane, was indeed plunged into a pool of water, head first while wearing …

In cinema, what are the best 100% truthful scenes that made the viewer believe that they were shot in computer-generated images? Read More »

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